Double performance! AutoCAD is updated with native support for Apple M1 and M2 chips

 Double performance!  AutoCAD is updated with native support for Apple M1 and M2 chips
double performance autocad is updated with native support for apple.jpeg

Apple Silicon M1 and M2 chips are amazing when it comes to energy efficiency and productivity. Now those using AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT will have twice as much reason to create amazing designs on their Macs. This is because both software have been updated with native support for these processors.

As reported by MacMagazine, the new versions of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT bring twice the performance compared to AutoCAD 2023, all thanks to native support for Silicon M1 and M2 chips, which are already present in several models of MacBooks and Macs.

Additionally, AutoCAD 2024 brings new functionality such as background color customization in 3D styles, support for Spanish and Italian languages, and use of a 3Dconnexion device to view designs in 3D.

Now it is also possible to use the Smart blocks to position elements according to the position of the previous ones. O Markup Import now uses machine learning to add markups to designs based on images and PDF files, while the Markup Assist helps to move, copy and paste the tags.

Finally, you can now use an overlay effect, background drawing, geometry, and more to make strokes faster and more accurately.

AutoCAD and AutoCAD 2024 can be downloaded from the official Autodesk website. Other applications such as Premiere Pro, Dropbox, NVIDIA GeForce NOW, Microsoft Excel, VLC and Google Chrome also support Apple Silicon chips.

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